KMB Debrecen
1stKustán Gábor10 1st (9 Score) 2nd (87 reps) 6th (05:13) 1st (120 Score)
1RM Military Press - 1st - 90 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 3rd - 100 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 2nd - 115 kg
4RM Front Squat - 2nd - 137.5 kg
5RM Deadlift - 1st - 210 kg
2ndVida-Szűcs József10 2nd (17 Score) 1st (88 reps) 4th (04:24) 3rd (115 Score)
1RM Military Press - 4th - 85 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 1st - 105 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 1st - 117.5 kg
4RM Front Squat - 7th - 125 kg
5RM Deadlift - 4th - 202.5 kg
3rdKiss András16 3rd (24 Score) 3rd (81 reps) 5th (04:46) 5th (109 Score)
1RM Military Press - 8th - 82.5 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 5th - 97.5 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 2nd - 115 kg
4RM Front Squat - 3rd - 132.5 kg
5RM Deadlift - 6th - 190 kg
4thHajós Kornél21 10th (44 Score) 3rd (81 reps) 2nd (03:45) 6th (105 Score)
1RM Military Press - 11th - 77.5 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 3rd - 100 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 14th - 70 kg
4RM Front Squat - 6th - 127.5 kg
5RM Deadlift - 10th - 175 kg
5thKaj Richárd22 3rd (24 Score) 6th (72 reps) 12th (59 reps) 1st (120 Score)
1RM Military Press - 4th - 85 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 6th - 95 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 8th - 105 kg
4RM Front Squat - 4th - 130 kg
5RM Deadlift - 2nd - 207.5 kg
6thSáfrány Bence28 8th (33 Score) 12th (65 reps) 1st (03:19) 7th (104 Score)
1RM Military Press - 4th - 85 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 8th - 90 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 8th - 105 kg
4RM Front Squat - 4th - 130 kg
5RM Deadlift - 9th - 177.5 kg
7thBoa Martin30 5th (27 Score) 10th (69 reps) 11th (07:29) 4th (110 Score)
1RM Military Press - 4th - 85 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 7th - 92.5 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 6th - 110 kg
4RM Front Squat - 7th - 125 kg
5RM Deadlift - 3rd - 205 kg
8thVarga Zsolt32 6th (29 Score) 3rd (81 reps) 14th (39 reps) 9th (93 Score)
1RM Military Press - 12th - 75 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 2nd - 102.5 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 2nd - 115 kg
4RM Front Squat - 1st - 140 kg
5RM Deadlift - 12th - 165 kg
9thKasza Kornél32 7th (32 Score) 7th (71 reps) 10th (07:22) 8th (102 Score)
1RM Military Press - 3rd - 87.5 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 10th - 87.5 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 5th - 112.5 kg
4RM Front Squat - 9th - 120 kg
5RM Deadlift - 5th - 192.5 kg
10thCsernyák Dániel35 14th (60 Score) 8th (70 reps) 3rd (04:18) 10th (92 Score)
1RM Military Press - 12th - 75 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 13rd - 80 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 10th - 100 kg
4RM Front Squat - 13rd - 110 kg
5RM Deadlift - 12th - 165 kg
11thVáradi Gergő42 9th (38 Score) 14th (55 reps) 7th (05:25) 12th (83 Score)
1RM Military Press - 1st - 90 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 8th - 90 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 10th - 100 kg
4RM Front Squat - 13rd - 110 kg
5RM Deadlift - 6th - 190 kg
12thRépás Tamás43 11th (45 Score) 10th (69 reps) 9th (06:23) 13rd (60 Score)
1RM Military Press - 9th - 80 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 11th - 85 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 10th - 100 kg
4RM Front Squat - 9th - 120 kg
5RM Deadlift - 6th - 190 kg
13rdHomonnai Gábor Tamás44 12th (53 Score) 13rd (62 reps) 8th (05:54) 11th (87 Score)
1RM Military Press - 9th - 80 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 13rd - 80 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 10th - 100 kg
4RM Front Squat - 9th - 120 kg
5RM Deadlift - 12th - 165 kg
14thKelemen András48 13rd (54 Score) 8th (70 reps) 13rd (55 reps) 14th (39 Score)
1RM Military Press - 14th - 72.5 kg
2RM Full Snatch - 11th - 85 kg
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 6th - 110 kg
4RM Front Squat - 12th - 115 kg
5RM Deadlift - 11th - 170 kg
15thSchvetz Dániel60 15th (75 Score) 15th (DNF) 15th (DNF) 15th
1RM Military Press - 15th
2RM Full Snatch - 15th
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 15th
4RM Front Squat - 15th
5RM Deadlift - 15th
15thKiss Balázs60 15th (75 Score) 15th (DNF) 15th (DNF) 15th
1RM Military Press - 15th
2RM Full Snatch - 15th
3RM Hang Clean and Jerk - 15th
4RM Front Squat - 15th
5RM Deadlift - 15th